Tuesday, 11 August 2015

What is Online High School Really About?

Online high school sounds like a great opportunity, but many parents and students wonder what it's really all about. Understanding what online high school really means is the first step in the process to making an educational decision for their child.

For many students, a traditional brick and mortar high school simply doesn't cut it. Some students are bullied mercilessly, making it impossible for them to function on their work throughout the day. Others work at an advanced pace, leaving them bored out of their minds. Some students have commitments that are hard to schedule around school days: sports practices, family commitments, or even a work schedule that doesn't sync up with a traditional school schedule. Then there are students who have health issues. Some days, they're perfectly able to participate in normal classroom activities, but others, it's all they can do to get out of bed.

If any of these sound like your student, online high school might be the best choice for you. American school high school opportunities have increased several times over in the last several years, and it's become easier than ever before to find a program that will work for your student. Still, online high schools seem to be shrouded in mystery. What is online high school really about?

Online high schools provide the same quality of education that you'd get in a brick and mortar school.

In fact, in many cases, you'll discover that they get a higher-quality education than they would receive in a brick and mortar school. Online high schools provide your student with all the materials that they would get in a traditional brick and mortar classroom. They have the same opportunities afforded to traditional high school students. The difference is that instead of getting up and going to school every day, students are able to stay home and attend school in their pajamas if they wish.

Online high schools have high-quality teachers.

You aren't taking on traditional homeschooling when you allow your student to attend online high school. You'll have high-quality teachers available to help your child on this educational journey.

Online high school allows you to choose your own schedule.

With online high school, you don't have to worry about whether or not you need to change the time of an appointment because your child has missed too many classes at a specific time. You won't have to worry about getting a reluctant child up at the crack of dawn. Online high school fits into your schedule instead of you being forced to work your schedule around it.

Online high school means that school time is about school.

During a typical school day, there are a host of interruptions. Announcements, bookkeeping, and classroom maintenance all take up a chunk of the school day--and that's on a normal day. Then there are the events that take place during the school day: pep rallies, in-school performances of plays or concerts, fire drills, bomb threats...many days, your student might not accomplish anything academically, and yet if they aren't in class, they're penalized. With online high school, your child is able to spend their school time actually engaged in learning, freeing up the other hours normally spent in school for other activities.

For many students, online high school is an open door that allows them to excel both at school and in other areas of life. If you have more questions, check out our website for more information.

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