Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Take High School Courses Online!

Many smart, gifted teens drop out of high school because the traditional learning environment is not suitable for their educational needs or learning styles. The current system is good for one type of student: the one who can memorize, the one who can regularly show up to the brick-and-mortar classroom without any hurdles, the one who can deduce answers on tests. Plenty of intelligent students move more slowly or more quickly than the student the system was designed for.

Now that learning management and content management can handled with relative ease online, there is little reason that every high school student should be restricted to the "ordinary" method of completing high school, by sitting in a classroom for 180 days a year, memorizing facts within a set amount of time in order to take a test on certain days and doing learning in a building during certain hours with work done at home during certain other hours. American High School offers online high school courses to suit the needs of a growing and diverse body of students for whom traditional school may be under stimulating or whose needs are not suited in the current institution.

There is not just one type of student, and American High School accommodates that. It is an online, competency-based high school, meaning that students move through the material as they achieve mastery of it, demonstrating an ability to put theory into practice. It is not paced for the average high school student; it is paced for students who work independently, who might work better at 7:30 in the evening than they would at 7:30 in the morning. The school also helps students who might be missing credits that they did not earn at other schools to catch back up and ensure that they get on track and stay there. Headquarters are located in Hollywood, Florida, but students can be located anywhere that they have access to a stable internet connection. And students have been known to graduate up to two years earlier than their peers, as they move freely through their graduation requirements instead of being confined by time boundaries set by a typical high school curriculum.

This system works better for some students who might otherwise fall behind or drop out. To find out more, visit the website at

Monday, 20 July 2015

Here's How to Find the Right Online High School

With so many online options available for high school students, it can be hard to sort through them all. However, with a little research you can separate the wheat from the chaff. Here are some things to look for when choosing an online program for your high school student.

Accreditation may be the single most important thing to look for in online high school programs. Accreditation allows your child’s credits to be accepted by other high schools, colleges, and employers, including the military. Before you look any further at any online program, make sure that it is accredited.

Flexible Pacing
One of the most important reasons parents choose online education is that their children study and learn at a faster or slower pace than traditional classrooms can provide. To really take advantage of the benefits of online schooling, look for a school that will allow your student to find the right pace and make steady progress.

The best curriculum provides coursework that will prepare your student to work and learn in today’s world, while fitting into the traditional mold well enough to allow credits to transfer easily. Also, look for programs that provide plenty of options for electives instead of a rigid, one-size-fits-all program of study.

AP and Honors Courses
If your student is college-bound, be sure to ask about AP and Honors courses. These intensive courses not only teach students what they need to know for college, but also help them get used to college-style coursework.

Dual Credit Courses
Dual credit courses allow your student to earn high school credits and college credits simultaneously. High schools pair up with universities or community colleges to offer these courses. College credits earned this way may be accepted at colleges and universities that accept the partner institution’s credits. Students who earn college credit this way can eliminate some or all of the classes needed to earn a college degree.

Payment Plans
If paying an entire year’s tuition all at once puts a strain on your budget, you may want to look for online programs that offer payment plans. Some schools provide plans and some don’t. Others partner with lenders that offer loans for tuition.

Fortunately, since they are based online, reputable high school programs typically have well-organized websites and a staff that is eager to answer your questions. For example, American High School’s site addresses the most frequent concerns parents have on its site,,while also providing a direct phone number that connects to a live person for more specific questions.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

The Benefits of Online Summer School

There are plenty of reasons why you might choose to attend summer school. It might be due to a failed class during the semester, a desire to get ahead, or simply for the opportunity to keep your mental schools sharp through the summer months. Perhaps you missed a class over the course of the semester and need to go back and make it up, or maybe you need something to keep yourself busy over the summer. If any of these sound like you, American High School can help.

Attending summer school can interfere with summer vacations, your ability to get a job, and your plans with your friends. Choosing to attend summer school online, on the other hand, gives you opportunities you haven't considered before.

Scheduling Freedom

When you attend summer school online, you don't have to worry about being stuck in a classroom at a specific time every day. Need to go in to work during what would normally be your class time? Completing classes online allows you to choose your own schedule, shifting it as necessary to meet the demands of your busy schedule.

Controlled Peer Interaction

You don't like everyone who attends your school. Interacting with them in a summer school setting can be awkward and uncomfortable. Online, you have much more controlled interactions with your peers. Class sessions are very short and interaction is overseen by a qualified teacher. This is particularly important to students who have been bullied throughout their school experience. Bullying in online schools is much less common.

Work at Your Pace

You don't work at the same pace as your peers. In a traditional classroom, the teacher has to teach to the middle of the class. That means that if you're more than a few points away from the middle, you constantly either feel as though you're being held back or as though you're struggling to catch up. With online lessons, you can work at your own pace, spending more time on curriculum that you find difficult or demanding and moving on to the next lesson when you're content with what you've accomplished.

Go to School in Your Pajamas

It takes a lot of effort to get ready for school every day. You have to dress according to the dress code and make sure that you've gathered all of your supplies. Online? Show up in your pajamas and grab supplies as needed.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

3 Tips That Will Help You Succeed In Summer Internet School

1 Write down a study plan

Though online courses are usually well-planned, it is always a good idea to create your own study plan. The best online instructors teach classes with clear-cut study plans. They also help you organize your own personal study plan. But not every instructor does that. So you may have to create your own study plan. There are lots of programs that can help you do so. However, you have to understand that even with sophisticated software you still have to spend a considerable amount of time creating your own study plan. Another reason it is important to have a study plan is that online classes are often more difficult than their classroom counterparts. Therefore, it is better to be prepared in advance.
2 Check technical requirements

It is important to check technical requirements before enrolling in summer internet school. While online courses are certainly useful, people with busy schedules can benefit from them only if their computers allow them to do so. This means that anyone considering taking an online course should first check the technical requirements and install all the necessary software in advance. This way the person can learn whether he needs any additional software to take the course. 

3 Get acquainted with instructions early

Some students who have taken online courses in a certain subject assume that all classes in that subject area would be easy. That is why they never contact an instructor beforehand. Many of them are then dismayed that their grades are not as good as they expected. Some of these students had their assignments returned to them multiple times. In order to avoid becoming one of them, you have to adopt a different approach. You have to seek out help. You have to coordinate with your instructor. In this case, your instructor will be more than just helpful. In this case, the instructor will know that you are a good student who really cares.

Though instructors are readily available during most online courses, it is best to find solutions to class problems independently. If you cannot solutions by yourself, then it is time to contact the instructor. However, you have to keep in mind that it will take a while before the instructor gets back to you.

When contacting an instructor, have a list of six questions you are going to ask him. This will save both of you a lot of time.
Regardless of subject you are going to study in summer internet school, a clear-cut study plan, close communication with your instructor, and familiarity with technical requirements can go a long way in helping you achieve top grades. This is certainly true at