smart, gifted teens drop out of high school because the traditional learning
environment is not suitable for their educational needs or learning styles. The
current system is good for one type of student: the one who can memorize, the
one who can regularly show up to the brick-and-mortar classroom without any
hurdles, the one who can deduce answers on tests. Plenty of intelligent
students move more slowly or more quickly than the student the system was
designed for.
Now that learning management and content management can handled with relative ease online, there is little reason that every high school student should be restricted to the "ordinary" method of completing high school, by sitting in a classroom for 180 days a year, memorizing facts within a set amount of time in order to take a test on certain days and doing learning in a building during certain hours with work done at home during certain other hours. American High School offers online high school courses to suit the needs of a growing and diverse body of students for whom traditional school may be under stimulating or whose needs are not suited in the current institution.
Now that learning management and content management can handled with relative ease online, there is little reason that every high school student should be restricted to the "ordinary" method of completing high school, by sitting in a classroom for 180 days a year, memorizing facts within a set amount of time in order to take a test on certain days and doing learning in a building during certain hours with work done at home during certain other hours. American High School offers online high school courses to suit the needs of a growing and diverse body of students for whom traditional school may be under stimulating or whose needs are not suited in the current institution.
There is not just one type of student, and American High School accommodates that. It is an online, competency-based high school, meaning that students move through the material as they achieve mastery of it, demonstrating an ability to put theory into practice. It is not paced for the average high school student; it is paced for students who work independently, who might work better at 7:30 in the evening than they would at 7:30 in the morning. The school also helps students who might be missing credits that they did not earn at other schools to catch back up and ensure that they get on track and stay there. Headquarters are located in Hollywood, Florida, but students can be located anywhere that they have access to a stable internet connection. And students have been known to graduate up to two years earlier than their peers, as they move freely through their graduation requirements instead of being confined by time boundaries set by a typical high school curriculum.
This system works better for some students who might otherwise fall behind or drop out. To find out more, visit the website at